BY-LAWS and Constitution
By-Laws as Amended March 30, 2021
As Amended February 12, 1986
The name of the Society shall be: Alaska Society of Professional Land Surveyors, herein after referred to as the Society or State Society. As appropriate, the name may be referred to in approved abbreviated form as ASPLS.
The objectives and purposes of the Society are as follows:
To provide a mutual benefit organization not operated for profit and to promote social and professional intercourse among the SURVEYORS in the State of Alaska and in connection therewith to organize and admit to membership REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS entitled to practice under the Laws of the State of Alaska, or Licensed Professional Land Surveyors, admitted to practice under the laws of any other state in the United States.
To advance LAND SURVEYING knowledge and practice and to provide a means for cooperative action by its members on matters beyond the scope of their individual endeavors.
To promote the public welfare, to provide means for more effective public service, to foster public recognition of the LAND SURVEYING profession, and to cooperate with other organizations having similar objectives.
To assist the LAND SURVEYING profession as a whole in maintaining proper and fair standards of ethics and practices.
The officers of the Society Shall be residents of and practice in the State of Alaska.
The ByLaws shall govern and provide for various classes of membership. Membership certificates may be issued under such provisions, rules and regulations as prescribed by the ByLaws. Membership may be terminated by voluntary withdrawal, by expulsion and by death. Losses of membership through any such cause and the incidents thereto shall be governed by the ByLaws.
The Society may organize and otherwise assist in the formation of Chapters of this Society in the State of Alaska in accordance with the provisions of the ByLaws.
The business of the Society and its Chapters shall be conducted by duly elected officers as set forth in the ByLaws.
The Constitution may be Amended by the following procedures. A majority vote of the Board of Directors or a written petition stating the proposed amendment from ten percent of the voting members shall be submitted to the Board of Directors to initiate an amendment. Within 60 days after receiving such a petition, the Secretary shall submit the proposed amendment as edited by the Board of Directors to the voting membership by mail. The vote on the ballot shall be by mail in sealed ballots. After 30 and within 45 days after the ballot is mailed, the ballots received by the Secretary shall be counted by the Board of Directors. If two thirds of the votes received are affirmative, the amendment shall be adopted.
The Society shall enact and enforce ByLaws for the government of this Society and its chapters and the general assistance and supervision of its members. The ByLaws will prescribe how the same are to be amended.
This organization, in its activities and its membership, shall be nonpartisan and nonsectarian. The organization’s activities shall primarily be nonpolitical; efforts to sponsor or oppose legislation shall be limited to issues directly concerning the surveying profession and shall not constitute a substantial part of the organizations’s activities.